What mediation is about?

It is an informal meeting with one of our trained mediators to explore the problems following the breakdown of a relationship, and to allow each person to express his or her own wishes and views and, importantly, to listen to the other person’s views. Our mediator will enable a free and sensible exchange of views and will assist in the mediation to allow the parties to it reach their own decision of what they feel is best for them and their family, rather than having it imposed by a court.

In essence it is to enable the parties themselves to reach their own agreement, with our assistance.

Why we recommend mediation......... we have to say here that mediation is not the best solution for everyone but, in our experience, it works very well;


Mediation is far cheaper than seeing a solicitor to argue your case, and perhaps even going to court. It avoids that happening . From figures supplied by the Ministry of justice and reported in The Times 21st of February 2013, the average cost of resolving property and financial disputes via mediation is £500. Dealing through solicitors and the court the average cost is £4000. The saving is obvious. Please see our pricing structure below.



Legal aid will not be available for cases in the main involving finances or disputes relating to children, contact residence etc. However Legal Aid remains available, subject to means, for mediation. We have a Legal Aid contract and can offer legally aided mediation. If you qualify it is completely free.


Whatever happens following the breakdown of relationship, it is very likely that there will be ongoing contact between the parties to it, example, children. It is therefore clearly important that a working relationship is maintained. Mediation would help you through this process without positions becoming too entrenched. The parties are encouraged to reach agreement and the process is far less taxing on those taking part.


The average time to conclude mediated cases is 110 days compared with 435 days for non-mediated cases (figures supplied by the Ministry of Justice) It is our experience that mediated cases usually conclude far quicker than the MOJ figures. Clearly the lower cost and quicker pace together with the nonconfrontational approach means a reduction in stress levels.


In fact at KTP we have been offering mediation as a service for almost 20 years. We are recognised by the legal services commission and hold a contract to provide the service to the public. Jeff Kitchen, who runs the mediation Department, has been a qualified mediator for over 15 years, was trained by the Family Mediators Association and is a member of the UK College of Mediators. He is also a professional mediation supervisor.

If you think that mediation may assist you, or you want further information, please call on 01443 402420 or complete the form below. If you wish we can arrange assessment meeting complete confidence at no cost.


  Email Address:
  Brief details of your enquiry:

Mediation Costs

If Legal aid is available to both parties there is no charge at any time. If legal aid is available to only one party, then that person would have nothing to pay.

The person not eligible for legal aid will be charged on the following basis:

The assessment meeting: FREE
Mediation, per session of usually an hour: £95
Preparation of written agreement: £50

If neither party is eligible for legal aid:

The assessment meeting : FREE
Mediation per session of usually an hour: £95 per person
Preparation of written agreement: £75

All prices are subject to VAT.